Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Nana, Granddaddy, and Uncle Bret Mills are here for Christmas! Nana (Beth) arrived at the hospital just 40 minutes before Jackson was born on December 6th. Perfect timing. Granddaddy (Barry) and Bret had a lot more trouble getting here, as they ran into delays during their three flights to Billings. They were supposed to get here on the 20th, but spent the night in the Denver airport that night when their last flight was cancelled. When a sweet airline representative felt sorry for them the next day and gave them two seats, she got a big hug and kiss from Barry! Otherwise, they would have had to wait until Tuesday to get to Montana. The top item on our wish list this year: a private jet.

We have been staying warm inside, only venturing into the sub-zero Montana weather a few times for last-minute Christmas shopping. Jackson is loving his time with the grandparents. He also LOVES his Christmas tree ... so many pretty lights!

We are spending Christmas Eve with Bubah and Zeider (Bubbles and Gary) and Uncle Phil at their house and Christmas here at the Matthews home.

As we remember the true meaning of Christmas, we are so thankful for the love of Jesus and the many blessings in our lives. We hope you all are surrounded by family and friends this holiday. Much love, the Matthews

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!