Friday, November 27, 2009

Matthews Milestones 2009

Hot off the press! (Click to enlarge)

Thanksgiving 2009

Matthews Family Thanksgiving!

Watching the Macy's Parade. Jackson is not all that thrilled with Tom the Turkey.

Christmas cards are ready to go!

J-Man learning to walk

Dishing up .. MMMMM

Mama's two favorite turkeys :)



Saturday, November 21, 2009

This Week

Jackson's daddy bought him a refinished school desk from a local fundraiser.

Not walking yet, but loves his walker!


Friday, November 20, 2009

Baby Shower #2

Heidi welcomed Leighton into the world last month! The Bible Study gals threw another 'welcome baby' bash.

Heidi and Leighton

Erin, Rosalie, Cori and Cute Baby

Leighton gets lots of Love

Num Num

Jackson makes the "num num" sound when it's time to eat. He has also been practicing feeding himself!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mini Man Cave

Jackson pulled a chair and his high chair together to create his first fort. So much fun!

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Baby Girl is on Her Way!

Our Bible study gals threw a baby shower for Chantelle this week! Her baby girl is expected to arrive next month ... Jackson is looking forward to having a new pal to play with :)

The food!

The gifts!

Playtime with friends (aka sharing toys and germs)

Cake decorating contest ... YUM

Sweet, Silly Sisters

Jackson LOVED all the excitement

Heidi had a baby girl in October and Beth is expecting a little one in April. Yes, we love babies, Babies, BABIES!

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!