Friday, February 26, 2010


February has flown by. Anna is still loving student teaching ... it is keeping her busy ... next week will bring full management of the classroom. At the beginning of this month, Jackson decided that walking is way cooler than crawling and that he would walk everywhere he wanted to go. He is a very busy and happy boy!

The most wonderful husband in the world sent his happy wife some beautiful roses for Valentine's day. Nana and Granddaddy sent Jackson a cuddly dog :)

All three of us have been sick at one time or another this month. Yuck! Jackson felt so icky, he just wanted to lay down and rest (this photo was taken a couple of weeks ago).

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Truth about the Tooth

Barrie and Kristi visited Highland Park and Jefferson Schools this week to talk to some of the classes about Children's Dental Health Awareness Month and how to take care of their pearly whites. The kid's were great and were entirely enthused about dental health. F-U-N!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February Events

Baby and Mama on the 100th day of school!

Jackson, Anna and Gary went to the 3rd Annual Sweetheart Barn Dance (a benefit for the local aquatic and recreational center organization) this last weekend. Jackson, Zeider, and yummy cake:

Jackson turned 14 months old on February 6th. He now:
~ Walks more than he crawls!
~ Can give a 'high five.'
~ Is babbling lots more.
What a cutie!

Monday, February 1, 2010

27 is 28

Anna ('27') turned 28 last week ... we celebrated with Pizza Hut Pizza. YUM. My sweet husband gave me an espresso maker and beautiful earrings. It would have been a perfect day of were not for the state of the union address!

Mom sent candles for my eggo waffles and a crown and sticker I was supposed to wear to school. :)

Some of my cards and the BEAUTIFUL flowers my friend Laine sent!

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!