Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nana and Granddaddy Sterling Visit Montana

Mom and Nana & Granddaddy Sterling took a train out to Montana to see us! We loved every minute of their visit. Jackson served as the main entertainment, although we took the tours of Miles City, the Range Riders Museum, the new house, Big Sky Smile Center, and other highlights in town. They were all here for Father's Day, so we went to church and pampered Barrie and Granddaddy. Anna and Jackson joined the family on the train back to Virginia ... Barrie will be out later this summer!

Entering Big Sky Country

Breakfast Table

Happy Family

Miles City

Mama, Daddy, and Jackson

Riding the train back to Virginia!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I graduated from Broadwater ten years ago today. Salutatorian and recipient of the Broadwater Academy Award (among others), no less. Hooray!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

18 Months

Jackson turned a year and a half old on June 6th! At his appointment with Dr. Young last week, he weighed 25 pounds, 4 ounces and was 34 inches tall. He is still the smartest, most handsome, most lovable kid around, and is growing fast. New words include "Nana" (partly because he loves bananas, but mostly because he is practicing for when Nana gets here), "side" (when he wants to go outside), "ruh ruh" (what the dog says) "qua qua" (what the ducks say), and "gone" (when he has finished his snack).

Jackson loves swinging in the swings outside, playing on the porch with his bowling set and golf clubs, riding around the pond in Daddy's golf cart, riding bikes with Mama and Daddy, reading books, taking snoozes, and EATING. This little guy can eat like a champ.

We love our little boy (no longer a baby)!

Jackson with the sweets left behind by Granddaddy and Uncle Bret (no, he doesn't usually get junk food like this!)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fun with Dental Implants

Dr. Ryan and Jen Serra came to visit us from Ohio over Memorial Day weekend! Ryan and Barrie were buddies and roommates at Penn Dental. Jen is Ryan's sweet wife (and mother-to-be of baby boy Serra!). Barrie has just started placing dental implants, so Ryan came to assist for his first few. When the Serras were here, we took them on the 5 cent tour of Miles City, as well as down to Deadwood and Mount Rushmore. It was great to have them here!

Taking a break from all the implant placing.

Jen, Ryan, Anna

Ryan and the Deadwood sign

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!