Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Love

Coloring eggs with Mama and Daddy

The Easter Bunny left some prints!

Checking out the Easter basket

Egg hunt at Bubah and Zeider's house!

Jackson and Ronnie share the loot

And away they go!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sticker Madness

Jackson's plain white shirt needed a little decoration. After applying each sticker in just the right spot, he would say "One more!" Oh how we love this little guy :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Breeze

Our darling Breezy turns 5 on Tuesday. She joined our family as the first 'baby' in June 2006 and has been a sweet part of our lives ever since. She is known for her ladylike grace ... snoring loud enough to wake the house, drooling on the couch, nabbing snacks from Jackson when she sees the chance, and simply acting like a dog. Gotta love her!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

April Happenings

Pigging Out: Mama and Jackson went to McDonalds and got Jackson's first Happy Meal. It was a pretty big hit.

Fun with Colors: Jackson's getting really good at identifying colors, even colors like pink, gray and brown. Here, he decided on his own to sort some colored balls onto his color mat.

Spring has Sprung! It has been a long, cold, snowy, (and did I say long?) winter, but signs of Spring are everywhere!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jackson's Favorite Things, Part 2

~ Bunny and Lamby
~ Socks. It is very important that Jackson has socks on his feet!
~ Sleeves. He is not quite ready for T-shirts this season.
~ Listening to "Guess How Much I Love You," read by Nana!
~ Smarties/M&Ms ... in England, chocolate candies (M&Ms) are called Smarties. He gets Smarties at Bubah's house.
~ Feeding Breezy. He puts way too much food in the dish.
~ Helping Mama get the mail.
~ Watching Daddy shave in the morning.
~ Kissing booboos better.
~ Making sure everyone has a straw in their drink. Water, soda, juice, coffee, wine ... every drink needs a straw!

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!