Thursday, July 28, 2011

Big Boy Bed

We recently converted Jackson's crib into a toddler bed and have had NO problems at bedtime or naptime so far. Jackson seems simply thrilled with his 'new' bed!

Great for sleeping, reading, just relaxing, ....

... and JUMPING!

Petting Zoo

Mama, Daddy, Bubah, and Jackson went to the Ace Hardware petting zoo last week. We saw a kangaroo, tortoises, goats, a camel, cavies, llamas, and other cool critters. The four of us left with all fingers intact.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Return Trip

Jackson and Mama made it back to Montana late Wednesday night. We are glad to be back with Daddy and are thankful for such a fun summer with our sweet family and friends :)

More Shore Fun

Checking out the minnows ...

... and crabs.

Four wheeling with Great Granddaddy

Playing cars with Cousin Mills

Granddaddy and Nana

Four Generations of Mills

Kisses for Nana

Where's Jackson?!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Botanical Gardens

Mama, Nana, Great Nana, and Jackson met 'Aunt' Wanda (Beth's college roommate) for a day visit at the Botanical Gardens!

Checking out the critters in the butterfly house.

See the very hungry caterpillars?

Nana and Great Nana (both are fabulous Nanas, but we have to distinguish them somehow)

A quick kiss for my sweetheart.

Dancing like a bee ... Buzz!

Four generations. Jackson was ready to go to the kids' park.

Getting soaked!

On the tram.

Longwood Roommates and lifetime friends!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Potty Power

On Friday, Jackson had his first success with potty training ... Hooray!


Thumbs up and hot dog dance.

A yummy reward.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Week with Daddy

Barrie (aka Best Daddy Ever) came to see us in Virginia. Jackson was thrilled to wake up and have his Daddy with him! The week went fast, with trips to the beach, visits with both sides of the family, car rides and walks, golfing, and some down time as well.

Matthews Trio reunion.

Getting the fireworks ready for a show (which was soon rained out, but fabulous nonetheless).

Anna and Barrie had a lunch date and visit with cousins Amanda and Taylor ... can't beat the Exmore diner!

Back to the carnival, this time with Daddy.

Jackson rode Great Granddaddy's four wheeler for the first time!

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!