Saturday, June 30, 2012

Week Two

We've had a wonderful second week on the Shore! Jackson finished up Bible School ... it was a busy, yet fun time. We visited Great Grandma one day and had a nice lunch with her and Aunt Beth. Today we went boating and swimming in the Bay with fellow Craddock Neckers. Below are some of the best 'snuggle moments' of the week.

Building a Lincoln Log hotel with Uncle Bret.

This little boy loves his Cousin Hannah ...

... and his Nana!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Craddockville VBS

Jackson is going to his first Vacation Bible School this week at Craddockville Church. Lots of kids showed up today - there were six sweet kids in Jackson's class.

Nana was a helper in Jackson's class. Here they are during story time.

Jackson playing in the wooden boat his Mama used to play with when she was little.

Eating 'sushi', aka rice crispy treat wrapped in fruit roll-up (it's an under the sea theme).

Jackson loved playing Duck Duck Goose!

Here he is with big kid Will (Mama used to babysit Will years ago).

New friends!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Night at the Carnival

On the way to Wachapreague's 60th annual Volunteer Fireman's Carnival.

What kind of ride is this?!

Jackson likes the more thrilling rides ... like the Tilt-a-Whirl.

Granddaddy, Jackson and Mama ... we ate lots of fries, yummy sandwiches, cotton candy, and ice cream. Mama uses the excuse that she's eating for two.

Jackson and Mills ... second cousins. Waiting for the merry-go-round!

What color horse are YOU going to ride?

What little darlings!

Uncle Bret won the 'big' jackpot in bingo!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Day at the Beach

Nana, Cousin Mason, and Jackson setting out for a beach adventure.

Some beach ...  somewhere!

Sand, surf, and rays (both sun rays and sting rays ... fortunately the latter keep their distance)!

Having a picnic with Mama - he ate grapes and Pringles to his heart's delight.

A swim with Nana ...

And twirls in the water with Mama.

Hopefully we've started the transition from 'Montana pale' to 'Virginia tan'!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Backyard Fun

Splashing in the pool

Ice pops with Nana - Jackson picked Cowboy colors :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Virginia Trip

Mama and Jackson have made it to Virginia for our annual Summer trip! We'll be out here for an extra long visit this year. We're having fun, but we already miss Daddy!

Jackson's Great Nana and Great Granddaddy on Fathers' Day. Jackson was either off playing with Uncle Mark and Cousin Mason or terrorizing Oliver the cat.

Jackson and his Shore buddy (Cousin Mason)

Kickball with Mason and Hannah in our back yard.

And some bubble blowing fun.

Shore kid!

Sandbar with Nana

Where to, Captain Matthews?

Loving life.

Friday, June 8, 2012

New News

It turns out that Jackson was right all along ... we are going to have a little sister join our family! We had our ultrasound on May 30th and the little girl looks healthy and sweet as can be. God is so good!

Baby girl

Jackson was the official photographer of the day. Here's one he took of his Mama right before our appointment.

Old News

Well, I have not done a very good job at updating the blog this year! Here are two major events I missed: In February, Barrie and I went on our Honeymoon (nearly 5 years after getting married!). We spent a few days in the Bahamas and then a few days in Jamaica - we were forced to relax for an entire week! Also, Nana and Granddaddy came to visit Jackson from Virginia for a week in March ... we missed Uncle Bret, but we'll see him this summer!

Love birds
It's been a wonderful 5 years ... looking forward to the next 50!

Nana and Jackson - bubble blowing buddies!

Jackson takes Granddaddy and Daddy out for a drive.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer Vacation!

School ended last week, so Mama and Jackson have been soaking up some sweet summer vacation time!

Jackson's about outgrown the little pool, but that doesn't seem to bother him.

What a way to cool off on a nearly 100 degree day!

Slip 'n' Slide

Hungry for supper.

Anna and Jackson visited our friend Rosalie and Dec at their ranch. They introduced us to some of their horses.

Dec's daddy, Ty, helped Jackson go for a ride on Walter the horse. Yee-Haw!

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!