Friday, July 27, 2012


This week, Great Nana invited us to ride up to Saxis 'Island' ... I'm always up for hearing more about our family history!

Out to lunch with Nana, Jackson, Cousin Maggie and Great Nana!

Great Nana shows us where her father grew up (her great grandfather built the house) and the cemetery where her grandparents are buried across the street.

Jackson the Photographer

The other day, Jackson decided to take a picture of his sister-to-be. For months now, he has given my belly lots of kisses and pats, and has felt a few little kicks. He says that when the baby arrives, he will rock and sing to 'him.' (He knows it's a girl, but we are still working on using correct pronouns). Although I tell him that babies cry sometimes, Jackson seems pretty intent that he will keep his baby sister happy. So glad our little girl has a sweet big brother to help look after her!

Photo by Jackson. An intentional view of Mama's belly.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


On Thursday we took a trip to Williamsburg to see Aunt Beth and Pop. We went out to lunch, played with Cole the puppy, took tours of Pop's garage and Beth's studio, and did some fun maternity and baby shopping. Plus, Jackson made some pottery!

Learning from the master.

Aunt Beth and Jackson show off his work: a pretty cool pinch pot.

Jackson adds some underglaze in red, yellow, and blue.

He didn't even get messy (no surprise here, since we all know he likes to stay clean).

Beth and Pop

A car his size! Jackson loved the MG Midget.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ocean City

On Monday we all drove up to Ocean City for the day. We walked on the boardwalk, played in the arcade, ate some junk food, and rode on some ancient classic rides.

Granddaddy, Uncle Bret, and Jackson seem annoyed that picture-taking is keeping them from their Thrasher's fries.

Whack a Hammerhead!

Jackson checks out his bowling score. Nana and Granddaddy were his cheerleaders.

This ride whipped around too fast for Jackson - he wanted off!

Granddaddy and Jackson had some fun with the crazy mirrors.

We all played this game but Jackson was the only one to win a prize (it was hard!).

Friday, July 13, 2012

And to the Carnival Again!

This is the last week of the Wachapreague Carnival. This time Great Nana and Great Granddaddy came with us.

Anna and her Nana

Helicopter ride

Three stooges

Pony carts

Picking ducks with Granddaddy.

Jackson looked forward to the cotton candy all evening.

Oops! Sorry Daddy ... looks like we need to do a better job brushing the kid's teeth.

To the Zoo!

Nana, Granddaddy, and Jackson at the Virginia Zoo

Looking forward to seeing some animals!

Jackson said that the giraffes were his favorite. It was their lunch time, so we saw them up close.

The elephants were pretty cool, too!

Train ride

Taking a little break

Baby otter and Mama otter

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Just Relaxing

Jackson and his teddy bear buddy (Panda Bear was accidentally left in Montana).

Ready for some sun ...

... But taking time to chill out first.

Granddaddy and Jackson at the Exmore Diner.

Hanging out with Great Grandma.

And now time for some sweet dreams!

S'more Fun

Jackson's recipe for s'mores: Eat a big bar of chocolate ... Follow that with a bunch of marshmallows ... Let everyone else eat the grahams.


Mama and her little buddy.

Mills beach party!


Granddaddy and Uncle Bret made a rare appearance on the beach.

Jackson insisted on having everyone's name in the sand.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!

Last night we went out to the Moose for fireworks. Jackson was ready in his red, white, and blue!

We got some great seats.

It got a little loud for Jackson!

He was mesmerized. One of the fireworks he described as looking like a 'hot dog in a bun.'

Monday, July 2, 2012

Out to Dinner

Dad and Bret have been less busy on the farm, so we all had a chance to go out to dinner to the Island House last night.

Jackson shows off his masterpiece.

Jackson and Nana

Granddaddy and Jackson

Bret and Anna

Mac and Cheeeese Please! Actually, he preferred the fries.

Mama and Jackson

Out on the wharf

The baby bump takes over the photo.

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!