Thursday, September 27, 2012

Welcome, Baby Adelyn!

The Matthews family has a new addition! Adelyn Elizabeth Matthews was born on Sunday, September 23rd at 8:10 am. She weighed just 5 pounds, 8 ounces and was 19 and 1/4 inches long. She is simply precious. Thank you, God, for blessing us with such a sweet little girl!

Happy Mama and Baby

Tiny baby, but loved BIG

Big brother Jackson meets his sister for the first time.

"Is your tummy getting smaller, Mama?"

My two darlings.

Sweet kisses for sister Addie.

Jackson just can't get enough baby love.

Neither can I!

Ready to go home the next day.

Jackson was just so anxious to hold his little sister. 

About every other statement from Jackson nowadays is "I love the baby!" 


Adelyn's hospital photo. 

Welcome to the world, darling!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Day of SCHOOL!

Our little darlin' is growing up ... today was his first day at Let Me Shine Preschool! Mama and Daddy dropped him off with lots of hugs and kisses, but Jackson jumped right in without hesitation. He came home later with a big smile, a fingerprint art project, and no qualms about taking a nap!

The big arrival!

Sporting his new backpack Nana and Granddaddy gave him.

A grand photo op.

Jackson and Mrs. Moore

Jackson and Mrs. McAuliffe

Finding his name ...

... hanging his backpack ... 

... what a big boy!

I'm one proud Mama!

Daddy and Jackson make their way to the playground. 

And Jackson joins in the fun!

Preschool Open House

Let Me Shine Preschool held a barbecue open house for students and their parents. We met other parents, visited with teachers, and took a tour!

Jackson and Karlee find their hooks. Jackson was jumping up and down with excitement, so he is a blur here.

What luck! Their mailboxes are right next to each other!

Can you tell that these two are inseparable?!

Our Annual Labor Day Picnic...

... with some great friends!

Jackson and his best pal enjoy some sweet time together. 

Jackson and Karlee show off their J and K cookies before they gobble them up!

A chat in the gazebo ... no parents allowed. 

Daddies and their kids.

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!