Saturday, April 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Uncle Bret!

We wish we could have spent Uncle Bret's birthday with him, but we at least got to Skype with him, Nana, Granddaddy, Great Nana, and Great Granddaddy! We love you, Uncle Bret!

In honor of your birthday, Jackson designed a new hairstyle for you.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Breezy!

Our pupster is seven years old! Breezy joined our family soon after we moved to Montana ... she was our first baby and has been a super pal. She's been awfully sweet with Jackson and Addie. Yep, we think we'll keep her :)

Birthday girl!
Our three babies.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Go, Daddy, Go!

Jackson, Addie, and I cheered for Daddy at his hockey tournament in Billings this past weekend. Yay #4!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

More New Stuff!

Breezy likes to watch over Adelyn. This sweet pupster turns 7 next week!

Addie tried baby food for the first time last week! Apples and cherries ... Yum!

I like my bib ... I'm an ESVA girl :)

Jackson feeding Addie her bottle. And of course telling her how sweet and beautiful she is. 

Play date at the Airport Inn with a best pal!

A baby girl playdate ... many more to come!

My daddy LOVES ME!

Monday, April 1, 2013

New Stuff

Addie and Uncle Phil!
Jackson entered the DQ coloring contest and got a free cone for his entry.
St. Patrick's Day project at preschool.
Rocking the 'staches.
This could be a great new look for us. 

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!