Thursday, May 30, 2013

Rain, Rain, and More Rain

Jackson put on his galoshes and took his umbrella out to play ...
Smiling in the Rain

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Baby in the Grass

Addie enjoyed sitting in the cool green grass before Daddy cut it this weekend. 

Friday, May 24, 2013


In the last two weeks, Adelyn has started crawling (she was on the of this for a long time) and pulling herself up. What a strong girl!

Gotta stand up to get a better view of everything!
Playing the piano for big brother.
She got herself in a predicament!
What a balance.
Her feet did start out closer together. 
Relaxing in a nice bath after a big day!

Bucking Horse Sale, 2013

Another Bucking Horse Sale is in the books ...

Cowboy Up!
A sweet little tooth fairy.
Brother and Sister
Ready for the parade!
Daddy and his Dentist in Training
Fun times and lots of sugar at the park!

Friday, May 17, 2013


We kicked off the Bucking Horse Sale weekend with a big backyard barbecue at the Matthews house!

Chef John and Barrie ... John cooked up some excellent burgers, brisket, corn on the cob, baked potatoes, and peach cobbler on his homemade grill.  

Some of the crowd

Some more of the crowd

Kids playing!

Daddy and Addie

Fun night! Let's do it again next year!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Mother's Day has been filled with lots of love. Jackson and Barrie brought doughnuts for breakfast. We went to church. The kids and I got some outside time and naps in. Barrie has been volunteering at the horse races ... we're going out to dinner when he gets back. I'm thankful for the blessing of being a mom!
My little darlings.
Mother's Day present from Jackson: a thumbprint necklace!
Reaching out for a hug!
This sweet boy fell asleep playing his Iron Man game.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Photos by Jackson

Mama and Addie, Dinnertime
"At least wait until my face has been cleaned!"
What is that sweet girl thinking about?

Warm Weather!

The backyard Canada goose family ventured out for the first time this week!
"With this warm weather, I get to show off my chubby legs!"
Breezy is such a pal.
And, she takes every opportunity to get a kiss in.
Jackson and Daddy enjoy some popcorn after a long day of preschool/work.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Beautiful Sunday

Today the sun has been shining and we have been busy making some memories ...

Preschool Sunday ... Jackson and some of his classmates sing "Ho-Ho-Ho Hosanna" and "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"
A walk on Main Street. Of course, we had to stop at Discovery Pond for an iced coffee and licorice ice cream.  
Jackson takes a turn strolling Addie around. 
Addie wants to call Nana on her purple telephone.
I don't think they could get any sweeter.
And life doesn't get any better than this. Watching our two kids play together!
Even our backyard ducks enjoyed the sun today!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Jackson's World

Jackson's new favorite treat is gummy worms. Oh, the life of a four-year-old!

"... might as well go eat WORMS!"

Addie's World

Addie can sit up on her own for for short amounts of time, but is still a bit wobbly. Today, she even went from laying down to sitting up on her own. She's been eating all kinds of baby foods (even meats!). Mama and Daddy are not happy to report that she has been waking up around 2am every couple of nights or so ... she had been sleeping all the way through the night for a couple months. Otherwise, what a sweet, happy, darling baby girl we have!

I don't have any teeth yet, but I sure can eat!
Look at me sitting up!
I have lots of hand-me-down toys from Jackson ... love them!

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!