Saturday, June 15, 2013


The hospital Gala was tons of fun as always! A few photos from the evening:

Big smiles ... representing Big Sky Smile Center!
Love my husband!
Photo by Barrie
Zach and Bev. A typical pose for Zach. 
Walk of Fame star!
Pretty tame outfits as compared to last year's!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bible Study BBQ

My Bible study gals brought their husbands and kids over for our annual family barbecue. We had some nice weather for a change, and we all had a blast!
Golf cart ride ... the kids had fun feeding the ducks. 
Lovely Ladies
Handsome Men
Jackson supervises the babies.
Danny and Teagan
Matt, Beth, Leona, and Samuel
Rosalie, Uriah, Dec, and Ty

Marine Corps Reunion

Some of Gary's Marine buddies came for a visit. They had all gotten together last year, but hadn't see each other for about 40 prior to that. Barrie barbecued up a delicious dinner for us all and some good stories were shared!
Five Marines and two wives.

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!