Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Exmore Diner

I forgot to post photos of our dinner at the diner our last night in Va!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Last Sunset of the Summer

Last night in Virginia. This has been the fastest trip yet. Will miss our family and the Shore, but looking forward to seeing Barrie/Daddy! AND, we already have plane tickets for Christmas!

Packing Up

We are headed back to Montana tomorrow. Addie's helping Mama do laundry and pack!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Fun Day

Today we went to church and then to a visit with the Sterlings for an anniversary celebration for Nana and Granddaddy (their 63rd anniversary was on July 21st ... Barrie and I were married on their 57th).

Jackson sure loves that Will. 
Sweet girls: Anna and Addie.
Great Nana and Granddaddy watching Addie climb the stairs. Jackson was off playing with cousin Mason. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Mills Family Visit

We spent the afternoon with the Mills family today.

Big boys! Mills and Jackson get to sit at the bar for lunch.
Mills hams it up for the camera (Jackson as photographer). 
Another of Jackson's.
And another. Granddaddy and Nana. 
Playing the Berenstain Bears card game. 
Close encounters with ticks and poison ivy.
Joe and his nephew Bryant.
Addie says hello to her cousin Bryant.
Jackson and Mills get Great Grandma's and Great Grandpa's horse pillows!

Watermelon Kids

2013 Watermelon Pics!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Lunch with Great Nana and Granddaddy

Today we visited Cedar View for a lunch with Great Nana and Great Granddaddy!

Addie in the high chair Great Nana sat in when she was a baby.
Uncle Bret and Jackson crack each other up. Jackson happens to be wearing one of Uncle Bret's old t-shirts. 
Happy girls.
Four generations of good looking Sterlings!
These kids LOVE their GREAT grandparents!
Jackson took over the camera here.
Jackson (age 4) and Great Granddaddy (age 84) compare muscles!

Update on the Camping Adventure:

Jackson and Nana made it through the ENTIRE night in the tent!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Happy Campers

Jackson and Nana are camping out in the backyard tonight!

We set up the tent yesterday. Here are the kids having some fun in it.
A third kid (Uncle Bret) joins in.
Nana and Jackson are ready for a night in the tent tonight. Looks pretty comfy!
All snuggled up in their sleeping bags. Wonder if they're getting any sleep?!

An Evening on the Beach

Last year we started a yummy tradition of having s'mores on the beach. 

Mama and her favorite son.
Nana and her favorite grandson.
Nana and her favorite granddaughter!
Hanging out on the dock.
Just look at this handsome boy! 
Shore kids.
Mama toasts some marshmallows.
Jackson gives it a try too. His s'mores have a special ingredient: a bit of sand.
This was right before granddaddy's chair slid into the sand and these two went flying!
Uncle Bret is the master of the fire.

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!