Wednesday, September 25, 2013

More Birthday Pics

If you know me at all, you know that I can hardly put the camera down ...
Addie got lots of LOVE in the mail!
Kisses all around. 
"Look at me in my chair! This was my Nana's and my Mama's." 
In the middle of a pile of presents from Nana, Granddaddy and Uncle Bret. 
"Oh, they love me to the moon and back!"
Birthday hats.
A pretty one-year-old.
That smile is priceless. 
Either Addie's growing or Big Panda is getting smaller. 

Happy Birthday, Baby!

Guess what?! Adelyn is ONE YEAR OLD! September 23rd was her big day. Can you believe it's been a whole year? Neither can we. :)

The crew gathers for some birthday fun. Two arranged marriages here!
The dinner and dessert are ready.
Bubah and Zeider with the birthday girl.
Party-goers enjoying some dinner. 
Party-goers part II.
Love our family of FOUR!
Jackson had a star cake for his 1st birthday as well. Of course, Addie's had to be purple!
Mini cakes for Jackson, Karlee, and Kyler (Addie got one too). 
This sweet girl has a sweet tooth ... 
She LOVED the cake!
It didn't last long. 
Happy girl! She knew it was a special day!
Karlee and Jackson got candles on their cakes, too.
Messy kisses for Daddy.
Not-so-messy kisses for Mama.
Walking to Unlce Zach. 
Love my darling girl!

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Today's agenda: Church, family time, neighborhood block party, relax!

Kinley and Jackson get ready for the three-legged race!
The little ones get a head start :)
Miss Chubbers
Nice shoes!
Addie and her stylish purse.
He loves that sister!

Photos by Daddy

Thursday, September 5, 2013

School Days

First day of preschool for 2013 is in the books! Our sweet boy got his backpack all ready, dressed up nice, had his hair combed, and was all smiles for the big arrival at Let Me Shine Preschool.

There he goes!
Good friends are a blessing. These two sure know that.
First day photo!
Mrs. Moore and Jackson
Daddy and his mini-me.
Well, he may not look like me, but he's my darling! Love this kid!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Preschool BBQ - Year 2

Jackson's about to start his second year of preschool at Let Me Shine. Open House was last night. As soon as we got there, Jackson took off running. He knows the ropes by now!

King of the slide. 
The name tag.
A big hug for his teacher, Mrs. Moore!

Eastern Montana Fair AND Labor Day Picnic

Oh, the last sweet days of summer vacation have come and gone! And there's no better way to spend them than with good friends!

Splash pad fun.
The fun slide: always a big hit. Jackson was slightly taller than his pal ... big enough to ride alone!
A romantic helicopter ride ... 
... a rest on a bench ...
... and a popcorn treat. A perfect fair day!
Annual Labor Day picnic!
Dads and their kiddos. 
Our four-year-olds!
Matthews + a sweet girl.
Photo by Jackson :)

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!