Saturday, January 23, 2010

Business of the Year

Big Sky Smile Center was honored by the Miles City Chamber of Commerce as Business of the Year for 2009! We attended the dinner last night at which all the awards were presented ... Barrie gave a little 'thank you' speech which was very sweet. I am so proud of my husband and his awesome co-workers!

Our little family!

The ladies ...

The men ....

Jackson walking with Kristi :)

The Big Sky Smile Center crew (we missed Shawna and Rhonda)!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Student Teaching

I (Anna) FINALLY started student teaching today ... I feel like I have been working on my masters degree for ages, but I am nearly finished! I will be spending 14 weeks in a local 2nd grade classroom with a simply fabulous teacher. Candice has just welcomed me right into her classroom, as have the students. I am incredibly fortunate to be working with such an awesome teacher and kids, and I am sure to learn a lot along the way.

Candice welcomed me so sweetly with my own desk and beautiful flowers!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hanging Out with Mama

Barrie is in Glasgow coaching a hockey tournament this weekend, so it is just Mama and Jack Attack having fun at home! We did lots of chores around the house, ran errands around town, and we are really starting to miss Daddy! Here are some of Jackson's weekend highlights:

Bananas for breakfast.

Getting into kitchen drawers.

Jamming out to the fridge boom box!

Darn those child safety locks!

Bath time :)

Monday, January 11, 2010


Wow, this is what it feels like to be tall?! What a view from up here!

I guess every mama needs a 'getting covered in spaghetti sauce' picture like this of her little one:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Winter Visitors, Part 2

This morning two cows decided to stroll through our backyard. MOOOOoooo.

Cow #1

Cow #2

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sledding Fun

We've had lots of snow here in Montana, so we decided to take Jackson for his first sled ride down the little hill by the back of our house.

So bundled, he couldn't move! (Sound like a familiar Christmas movie classic?!)

Let's Ride!

Papa Bear and Baby Bear

Mama and her Snow Baby

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

Happy New Year! Here are some Jack Attack updates to begin 2010. He is:
~ 25 pounds and growing
~ Still crawling for the most part, BUT
~ Becoming a great little walker (he is more confident and taking more steps on his own every day)
~ Drinking whole milk
~ Waving and saying 'bye bye'
~ Also saying 'mama,' 'dada,' and 'yum yum'
~ Pointing at things he wants

Jackson is such a sweet boy ... he loves cuddling and 'loving' his stuffed animals and parents by hugging and saying 'MMMMMM.'

Jackson's mama is very upset because we noticed that he has somehow chipped one of his front teeth. Fortunately, Jack's dad is a dentist and can fix it. Unfortunately, Barrie says he won't be able to fix it until Jackson is 2 or 3 (and cooperative in the dentist chair). What ... 1 or 2 more years with a chipped tooth?! NOOOoooo :(

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!