Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

Happy New Year! Here are some Jack Attack updates to begin 2010. He is:
~ 25 pounds and growing
~ Still crawling for the most part, BUT
~ Becoming a great little walker (he is more confident and taking more steps on his own every day)
~ Drinking whole milk
~ Waving and saying 'bye bye'
~ Also saying 'mama,' 'dada,' and 'yum yum'
~ Pointing at things he wants

Jackson is such a sweet boy ... he loves cuddling and 'loving' his stuffed animals and parents by hugging and saying 'MMMMMM.'

Jackson's mama is very upset because we noticed that he has somehow chipped one of his front teeth. Fortunately, Jack's dad is a dentist and can fix it. Unfortunately, Barrie says he won't be able to fix it until Jackson is 2 or 3 (and cooperative in the dentist chair). What ... 1 or 2 more years with a chipped tooth?! NOOOoooo :(

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!