Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Barrie and I left the baby behind and went on our trip to Boston last week! This was a Christmas gift from Barrie (I could take anyone on a trip anywhere). Well, of course I picked my husband and I chose Boston because I love history and had never been. We had a blast and had beautiful weather. Here were some items on our agenda: Boston Duck Tour, Red Sox vs. Twins game, Fenway Park Tour, Boston Common, North End Italian food, Sam Adams Brewery, Freedom Trail (lots of historic sites), Blue Man Group at Charles Playhouse, oldest restaurant in America (Union Oyster House), oldest bar in America (Bell in Hand Tavern), and Cheers. My favorite sites on the Freedom Trail were the Granary Burial Ground (where lay Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, James Otis and Mother Goose), the Old State House, and the Old North Church. We also met up with one of Barrie's dental school buddies, Steve, and his girlfriend ... it was awesome to see them. Although we had a fabulous time, it was SO GOOD to get home and see our sweet Jackson!

Nobody knew our name at Cheers :(

Barrie at the Old State House (Declaration first read to the people of Boston on the balcony), standing on the site of the Boston Massacre.

Fenway Park! Gotta love $8 beers and singing Sweet Caroline.

Barrie and the Green Monster at the Red Sox Game:

Sam Adams Brewery - Barrie liked the Brick Red

Duck Tour Dorks :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


A dear woman, Ann Davis, passed away the other day. She was my Sunday School teacher at Craddockville Church in Virginia for many years and was just like a grandmother to me growing up. Gran showed me what a woman of faith is truly like and I am so blessed to have known her.

In Sunday School, Gran would read us The Gift of the Magi every Christmas and would bake an Easter bunny cake for Easter. We would play Bible Trivia about once a month and she'd give us as many hints as we needed for the tough questions. Timmy would bring her cold coffee and she would drink every sip of it. It was in her class that I learned how to pray. Now, I am a Sunday School teacher and I often find myself speaking the prayers that Gran would say. I loved her very much and will miss her.

My three grandmothers: Nana, Grandma, and Gran (at my baby shower in 2008)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

100th Post!

This is my 100th post on the Matthews Milestones blog! Honestly, I'm not sure who checks out our little website, but I KNOW that our family does! So, this blog is dedicated to them.

Today also marks four years since Barrie and I bid Philadelphia goodbye and started out on a four-day drive across the country to the Middle of Nowhere, Montana. Our adventures together had begun. In these past four years, we have purchased two houses (and some land) in Miles City, gotten married, established a dental practice, had a sweet baby boy, and made many happy memories. Barrie has become a successful dentist, while Anna has earned her Masters in Education. God has blessed us in so many ways!

From the archive: Anna and Barrie make it to MONTANA.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bucking Horse Sale Parade

This morning Barrie, Jackson and I headed downtown for the annual Bucking Horse Sale Parade. What a beautiful day! Jackson loved watching the horses, floats, and all the people. Someday he will be one of the kids out front catching all the candy!

Mama and Baby, excited for the parade!

What do you see a lot of in Miles City? Horses of course.

The Rotary Club is gearing up for their annual duck race (Barrie is one of the main fundraisers and Big Sky Smile Center is an official sponsor). So, we had to visit the Duck in the park!

ALSO, today is the 4th anniversary of Barrie's graduation from the U. of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. I am so proud of my husband, the doctor!

The Matthews Men

Jackson is fascinated when Daddy shaves in the morning:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

No Stress

One day last week I (Anna) backed my car into Barrie's on my way out of the driveway (!). (My official excuse is that I hadn't slept well the night prior). Later that day at school, there is a pretty bouquet of flowers with a note: "Don't stress about the cars." What a sweet husband! I think the little fender bender was caused by all the stress I've been letting get to me lately. The flowers were a reminder not to stress the little things ... AND that I have the most wonderful husband.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Jackson, Barrie and I went for a bike ride for Mother's Day. Jackson doesn't look very excited in this photo, but he was loving the ride once we got going. Barrie cooked us dinner tonight and even gave me a card (!) ... what a wonderful day and how wonderful it is to be a Mama. I miss my Mom, Nana and Grandma ... but, I will see them soon!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bible Study BBQ

Our group of gals brought the kids and husbands together for a second annual Bible Study BBQ last week. This year, Barrie and I hosted ... everyone brought delicious food ... the kids and good conversation kept us entertained!

Barrie and Anna

Barrie and Jackson

Ty, Rosalie, and Baby-Linger-to-Be :)

Chantelle, Kyle, and sweet baby Leah

Heidi and sweet baby Leighton

Some of the men!

Some of the kids!

Belle (photo by Berkeley)

We missed Erin, Beth Muri, Beth May, and their families! Also, I realized I didn't get a picture of Cori :(

Friday, May 7, 2010

17 Months

Our little man is 17 months old! Here's what is new in Jackson's world:

~ Finding people's noses, eyes, and belly buttons. He can say 'eye' and 'be' for belly button. Careful ... he'll find your belly button whether you like it or not.
~ Opening the cell phone, holding it up to his ear, and saying 'hi'!
~ Putting on shoes (even mama's heels) and saying 'bye bye' (the shoe part is relatively new, though he's been saying and waving bye bye for many months now)
~ NOT using his snack-trap properly. The Cheerios end up all over the floor. Good thing we have Breezy following behind the baby to gobble up the spills.
~ Saying 'mama' a lot more than before!
~ Eating and loving all kinds of table food EXCEPT vegetables. He refuses veggies unless they're pureed. Picky, picky.

Jackson made a new friend (Ronnie) last month ... the two darlins tried to make a great escape on the golf cart.

Here's a rare photo of an unhappy Jackson (mama must have said his least favorite word ... NO).

Got Daddy's shoes on. Time to go BYE BYE!

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!