Thursday, December 29, 2011

To Great Grandma's House We Go!

We celebrated the Mills Christmas on the 26th at Grandma's house ... Grandma, Danny, Ann, Virginia Leigh, Joe, Leah, Brett, Mills, Carolyn, Beth, Pop, Mom, Dad, Bret, Barrie, Anna, and Jackson were there (the whole crew plus two dogs and a baby-to-be (just to clarify: Leah's and Brett's)!).

Cuddles with Nana

Cuddles with Granddaddy

Cousins Part I

Cousins Part II

Cousins Part III

Enjoying a treat with Uncle Bret

Mama and Jackson

Grandma and her Major Award

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas on the Shore

We made it home for Christmas! There's nothing like the holidays on the Eastern Shore.

Mills Christmas Tree, totally legal!

Hooray! More camo!

Uncle Bret got Jackson some Hot Wheels

Jackson teaches Great Granddaddy a little about technology

Playing moon dough with Granddaddy

Friday, December 23, 2011

Hockey Sticks

Coach Daddy took Jackson out on the ice for the first time this week. Barrie is coaching the Learn to Skate kids this year and Jackson is just about the youngest out there. He is already much better than Mama will ever be!

Getting ready in the locker room.

All set!

It's pretty slippery out on the ice!

Zeider helps the little guy out.
Coach Barrie talks to the kids.

And Jackson's done for the night!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Matthews Christmas

The Matthews celebrated Christmas (and Bubbles's birthday) on the 18th. Cheers!
The Merry Matthews

Jackson and Ronnie open some presents!

Anything "Cars" is sure to be a big hit!
Zeider installs the batteries.

The boys strike a pose!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Three Years

Our little darling turned THREE YEARS OLD on the 6th! How did that happen?! I love to tell the story of how perfect his arrival was ... I had just turned in my last final exam (I was still in my master's program at the time) around 10 pm the night before and woke up at 5 the next morning knowing that it was THE day. Plus, my Mom arrived from Virginia just 40 minutes before Jackson was born. Just perfect! Our Jackson has spoiled us by being such an easy-going, loving, smart, funny, and cuddly little guy.

Mama's Boy ...

AND Daddy's Boy!

Getting crafty.

Snug in his new robe!

There's a reason as to why this cake has a piece missing. That's a story for another day.

Our sweet blessing of a boy!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Jack Attack Gets Glasses

We had discovered that the little guy is having some trouble with his eyes. Off to the optomotrist we went ... it was determined that he is farsighted and needs glasses. We chose some super cool Spiderman frames and our darling boy has become even more handsome ... was that even possible?

Nana Came to Visit!

We are so thankful that the weather cooperated for Nana's trip to MC! Jackson had fun with his best playmate ... they played trains, read books, watched movies, and snuggled lots. Mama played second fiddle the whole time! :)

Leaning in for some kisses!


Cuddle time

The master chef teaches Nana how to bake the perfect cupcake

Thank you for visiting us, Nana! We love you!

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!