Tuesday, October 1, 2013

'Eye' Spy .... A Brave Young Man!

Jackson's eye surgery was today with Dr. Weaver at the Billings Clinic surgery center in Billings. It went well! This guy is a little trooper! We have a follow-up in about three weeks, so we shall see how things go.

Playing in the waiting room.
I think he had crushes on all the nurses ... they made him so comfortable and were so sweet to him. 
Giving us some super crossed eyes right before surgery. 
Love from Mama before getting wheeled away. 
Post-surgery love from Daddy. 
And snuggles from Mama. He was very sleepy and just wanted to cuddle.
A few hours later, at home. Jackson slept most of the way home and didn't open his eyes until about an hour after we got home. He's still our handsome boy!! :) 

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!