Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Busch Gardens

Busch Gardens in Williamsburg has always been a favorite summer trip. The kids have never been, and we decided they were old enough this year. We had a blast exploring the different 'countries' in the park, eating some yummy food, riding lots of exciting rides, and seeing the sights.
The Height Checker says that Jackson is tall enough to ride most of the rides in the park! Hooray!!!
Poor Addie has a few inches to go ... At least there were plenty of rides for little ones. 
Sesame Street had some great rides for Addie ... 
Big kids liked them too!
We met Elmo!
Getting along?! :)
Jackson on the Merry Go Round
Nana and kids go for a ride. 
We rented a stroller big enough for both kids. Best idea ever.
Bumper cars! Addie sortof got the hang of it. 
Sorry guys, Mama sees a photo op. 
Turkish delight. 
So fast!
Ice cream break. 
Jackson found Excalibur in England. 
Riding the train. 
Off to a new adventure. 
Mama loves her girl. 
Cooling off in the splash pad.
A highlight of the day for these kids.
Jackson rode his first roller coaster ,., Grover's Alpine Express!
After that, he was ready to tame the legendary Loch Ness Monster (a BIG roller coaster with super steep drops and two loops!)! He rode once with Bret and again with Uncle Bret AND Mama! Whoo hoo!!

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!