Friday, January 1, 2016

Christmas in Virginia

Christmas vacation means traveling to Virginia! As usual, we were delayed getting there, but getting home is always worth dealing with the headaches of flying. The weather was super warm ... almost up to 80 one day. Nana had cleaned and decorated our Virginia House, while Uncle Bret and Granddaddy had set up a Christmas tree for us. The whole visit was just perfect. We loved every memory made with the Sterling and Mills families!
Pure joy! Jackson got the Iron Man Hulk Buster he'd been asking for all year. 
The Mills tree. 
Jackson and Unlce Bret, and Uncle Bret's new cool hat!
Charlie wanted to help Addie go through her stocking.
The new Gator!
We had lots of fun!
Granddaddy and Daddy.
Jackson really concentrating on driving.
Nana and Addie in the back.
Great Granddaddy went for a drive!
Craddockville Church. Addie announced to everyone during children's time that she was wearing her reindeer shirt.
Family photo op.
Nana's Sundat School class. She read us The Gift of the Magi like Gran always did. 
Super Girl and Aunt Beth!
Cousins Jackson and Mills.
The Mills brothers and sisters.
Mamas getting drinks for the kiddos. 
Said kiddos.
Addie gets some help flying in her new cape!
Learning how to play.
Addie and Jackson got the pottery they made this summer with Aunt Beth!
Romantic Gator ride.
On a different adventure ... Addie and Mama rode in the back.
They adore each other.
The homestead.
Mama, Daddy, Jackson, Uncle Bret, and Granddaddy went to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens in Imax 3-D.
Addie made cookies with Nana during their girls day!
Out to dinner at the Island House.
Great Nana and Great Granddaddy.
Love them!
At the Virginia House.
Mama and Daddy.

At Great Nana and Great Granddaddy's house Christmas Eve.
Cousin Mason and Jackson.
McDonald's date with Nana and Granddaddy.
Lights at the Botanical Gardens.
Cozy in the car looking at the lights. 
All smiles.
Addie got Ellie for Christmas, a friend for Mousey. 
Uncle Bret and Addie. 
All dressed up in an outfit from Great Nana and Great Granddaddy, 

Jackson's Recent Activities

 Tennis, hockey, Key Club Convention and working out with pals!